The sun is high in the sky this afternoon and practically punched me in the face when I walked out of the comforts of my central air conditioned apartment. "Damn yous hot sun!" I muttered while waving a fist at the jerky star. I don't mind the sun so much, it's the uncomfortable heat that comes with it. I'll likely shower 3 times a day if the temperature reaches above 80. That's just me.
You ever notice how things just smell either better or worse in the heat as well? I mean, sure, you walk past a lilac bush and the fragrance is spectacular on a hot day, but walk past a sewage drain or a dead squirrel and, forget it.
This reminds me of the movie Deadgirl. A strange transition, I know. I found out about Deadgirl from a side advertisement on Facebook. I'm a huge believer in "judging a book by it's cover" or rather, being intrigued by merely an image or a name. This ad did both. "Deadgirl" with a creepy, greenish face to accompany it. I immediately got my hands on it and watched it.
Very rarely, and i mean VERY rarely, do I watch a movie and at the end of it sit uncomfortably numb thinking "Wait. What??" But really, what??
Two young boys, Ricky and JT, obviously from the wrong side of the tracks; obviously because we all know that alcoholic, disengaged parents breed degenerate children; skip school to go drink at an abandoned hospital. After a can of beer each they proceed to trash the place in an 80's style montage of generic rock music and a whole bunch of throwing loose papers and tipping old desks and chairs over. Then, they go esplorin'. In the basement, sealed off in a hidden room, they find a girl, covered with a sheet of plastic, who appears to be dead, but isn't. Naturally, when two teenage boys come across a naked, female body in restraints on an examining table, they will have sex with her, right? Then they will use said girl as a sex slave, killing her over and over again in the heat of passion, because they can, because "she won't die". Then, when the usual "places" are out of commission for sex, they will use the bullet wounds that don't heal and have become putrid and filled with puss, right?. They will then invite friends from high school, to join in on the fun, right? Because one person being this depraved and mad just isn't enough, right?! EW! But that's why this movie is so genius. It's simple, but it's cringe-worthy brilliance tugs at your conscience like an eager child at your side.
Without giving too much away, I highly recommend you seeing this for yourself. I've had mixed reviews from family and friends but this movie makes the top 5 for me. It's brutal, it's bizarre, it's unlike any "Zombie" movie I've ever seen and it genuinely creeped me out.
On a side note, the make-up was quite fantastic. Throughout the movie our Deadgirl becomes more and more gruesome, and fantastic, for those of us who appreciate such things.
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